Saturday, March 26, 2016

What's in the Kids' Easter Baskets

I have had so much fun planting real grass baskets these past two years and will definitely continue on the tradition thru the years. Check out that post and with a link to the tutorial here. This year I went with a garden theme. I found the cutest candies at Walgreens.

  • Chocolate Tulips
  • Chocolate Bugs
  • Chocolate Chicks
  • Chocolate Carrots 
  • Chocolate Eggs

Anyone notice a theme? Chocolate.

I tried to stray away from toys. I mean seriously these boys have so many toys that they don't play with and it seems each time they get a new one, it gets played with for maybe a week and then it gets lost amongst all the other toys waiting to be noticed. Spoiled much? Yes. But they are very loved. This year, I got them both books from Usborne Books and they are awesome. For Oliver I got a My First Garden Book and for Benjamin, tiny cardboard books that will fit perfect in his little hands. I also found a Bug a Loop Teether for Benjamin and some kids Garden tools for Oliver. He loves helping me outside and I'm excited to have him old enough to understand.

I just love these so much. I hope the boys will too! What's in your kids' baskets? Did you do a theme? I want to hear! Leave me a comment.


  1. Do you grow grass for your kids' baskets?? My mom always did/does that! Love it so much more than brightly colored plastic "grass"

    1. I did! I love doing them and its fun watching my four year old watch it grow.
