Monday, April 25, 2016

5 ways to help you start living a more Intentional Life

You may hear the term "Intentional Living" thrown around a lot, but what does it mean? I choose to live life with certain intentions and purpose because I find as a mom that living intentionally is a great model for my children and that is important to me. For example being intentional with my health; choosing whole foods and less processed foods, drinking plenty of water instead of sugary drinks, exercising frequently; so that I may live a longer life without the need for medical care because of poor choices. Laying a foundation is a great place to start so I came up with 5 ways to help you start living a more intentional life.

Intention: done on purpose; deliberate.
synonyms: deliberate, calculated, conscious, intended, planned, meant, on purpose, will-full. 

How to start Living Intentionally:

1. Examine Yourself: Self reflection is super important. What are your passions, talents, weaknesses, strengths, abilities, and goals? Give time and energy to this because it is the most significant thing you have to offer.

2. Be Honest: Because honesty is the building blocks for trust. And without it, there is no foundation for any type of relationship- be it romantic, friendship, family member, or co-worker. And no one can read your mind. It might lead to an awkward confrontation but in the end it's better to let someone know how you are feeling rather than make them guess. If you are open and honest, it leads to better communication all around.

3. Be YOU: In a world where we are swayed by advertisements, politics, blog posts and articles and social media,  just be you. Stop comparing yourself to others, stop trying to be someone else. Because at the end of the day, this is your life.

4. Focus: We live in world that is constantly stealing our attention. We are more "connected" than ever. It's easier said than done, but try and turn off the distraction and live your life instead.

5. Establish Boundaries: Once you establish boundaries for yourself, it seems life becomes a lot easier. It's easy to get burned out and overwhelmed and it's easy to overcommit yourself to things and later regret having done so. Once you are able to embrace being able to say "No" more often to things that may not line up with your beliefs and wants, it makes your "Yes's" to things more valuable. Your time is worth a lot!

Do you live life with purpose? What are some tips you have that might help others with living a more intentional life? What struggles do you have with this?